domenica 24 gennaio 2016

MARK GREENING: fuori dai With the Dead

Continua l'odissea di Mark Greening. In un recente comunicato, il batterista, dopo l'ormai nota vicenda riguardante il suo brevissimo rientro nelle file degli Electric Wizard, ha annunciato che è stato escluso dai With the Dead per ragioni non meglio precisate. Riportiamo qui integralmente il suo comunicato: 


I am writing this to inform you that unfortunately I will not be performing in With The Dead with Lee and Tim at the upcoming shows that have been booked, including Roadburn 2016.
I should explain that the above isn't news to me. I have been excluded from dealings with the band and its label, Rise Above Records, since October 2015 and despite several letters and attempts to address the issues as well as a personal apology on my part over the previous months, I did not receive any response until late last week.
It is massively disappointing as I want to be there to perform the tracks that we have written and recorded together as With The Dead, and whilst I have not left the band, it is clear that I am to be excluded from its activities for the foreseeable future.
With regards to the dispute, I'll start by saying 'shit happens', it has been an extremely stressful couple of years; ending Ramesses, rejoining one of my earliest bands Electric Wizard, giving up my role in the then newly formed 11 Paranoias and starting work on With The Dead. It may or may not have been my fault for blowing my lid or just being difficult to work with, who knows, hell I am a 38 year old musician with an expertise in doom and extreme music, I have been making music for longer than I care to recall and what you see is what you get.
Unfortunately, last week I received a letter from the corporate law firm instructed to represent Lee, Tim and Rise Above Records and whilst I have been expressly informed that I cannot share the correspondence, it has been made abundantly clear that my exclusion is to continue. It is disappointing as those involved are adults and professional musicians but most importantly, they were my friends, so I thought that we would reach a resolution and that it would blow over. Whilst I had held out hope, I don't have the funds or patience to argue with an ensemble of lawyers about playing drums.
Ultimately, I am there to bash the kit and make the music that I also grew up listening to, it doesn't ever seem to pay too well, despite having contributed to some records that I am extremely proud of, but you know what, I will not let this get me down and I will continue making music that I hope to share with you.
Apologies to anyone who has quizzed me about With The Dead in recent months. On a more positive note, I hope to see you soon.

Ancora nessun commento dalla band o dalla stessa etichetta. Sia come sia, dopo tutte le vicessitudini legate alla sua figura, alla Rise Above e agli EW, sembra ci sia del marcio nella scena Doom d'Albione.

N.d.A. Sviluppi successivi alla scrittura di questa news ci hanno rivelato che il marcio in questione, con tutta probabilità, è lo stesso Greening.
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