venerdì 5 dicembre 2014

EPHEL DUATH: annunciato lo scioglimento e nuovo progetto in arrivo

E' una notizia risalente a qualche ora fa quella che vede gli Ephel Duath mettere la parola fine alla loro attività.
Di seguito le parole di Davide Tiso, fondatore e principale compositore della band (il comunicato ufficiale si può leggere sulla pagina facebook a questo link):

"Today I decided that it’s time to put Ephel Duath to rest. This beautiful beast has been my life companion for a very long time, I cannot see it struggling any longer and I decided to kill it myself. This post is a way to make peace with the idea itself and, I guess, a way to keep you part of this.
For many years I felt conflicted with the idea of sharing Ephel Duath's music with its small public, now it’s time to let go. Ephel Duath changed shape and color many times, crossing different genres and musical styles, toward the end though, it started looking too much like me and I didn’t feel like giving it to you any longer. This is the reason why this has to end, because this band mattered so much to me that I didn’t get any joy in letting it be heard and dissected by you any longer.
As I’ve never really found a comfortable place for myself in this society, my music has always experienced the same problem. Ephel Duath never quite reached a large public and it never really exploited its potential. I suffered for that but what I know is that I’ve tried my very best to make this band work and I stand behind every record we released.
When I started Ephel Duath I was young, naive and tremendously ambitious. Now I’m 16 years older, and still naive enough to think that songs have their own souls, I just poured too much of my own in them, and it has been brutal to let them go. A part of me was let go. A big chunk. In the end, I’m not sure it was worth it.
I’ve a gift that I cherish deeply, I can talk through my guitar. It’s easy for me to distill my feelings through riffs and everything I say that way has more weight and impact than my own words. In order to keep honoring that in the future, Ephel Duath needs to die today and so it will be.

Thanks for reading,
I could do a long list of thanks but I choose not, now it’s my time to be ungrateful.
Davide Tiso"

Se il gruppo padovano ci saluta, un altro è pronto a fare il suo ingresso sulle scene: si tratta dei Gospel Of The Witches, progetto fondato da Karyn Crisis (ex cantante degli Ephel Duath) coadiuvata, non a caso, dallo stesso Tiso alle chitarre e al basso. La line-up è inoltre composta da due musicisti d'eccezione: Ross Dolan degli Immolation alla voce e Danny Walker degli Intronaut alla batteria. Dopo due intense campagne di raccolta fondi condotte su Kickstarter e Indiegogo (potete visionare qui la seconda dove sono presenti un po' di foto e informazioni), la neonata band ha recentemente firmato per la Century Media che pubblicherà l'album d'esordio prodotto da Jami King (Beetween The Buried And Me, The Contortionist). E' possibile ascoltare la prewiew di "The Ascent", uno dei tredici brani che andranno a costituire il disco, presso questo link.

Per maggiori informazioni:
Ephel Duath on facebook
Gospel Of The Witches on facebook

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