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Karpatia degli Omega Massif fu un pugno in piena faccia, un mastodonte impenetrabile e scurissimo che rinvigoriva di non poco la formula Neurosis/Isis/Cult of luna con punte di personalità non indifferenti. Purtroppo quell’abbaglio durò poco, dissolvendosi in una meteora che adesso, da un pò di anni, vede in questi Cranial il punto di rinascita, forte della presenza nelle proprie file dell ex Massif Michael Melchers.
Questo Alternate Endings è il secondo parto del progetto, che segue l’esordio già di per se promettente “Dark Towers / Bright Lights” di qualche anno fa.
Mi sono preso del tempo per scrivere questa recensione, perché non volevo scadere nell’entusiasmo da primi ascolti tessendone le lodi per poi veder calare drasticamente l’attenzione dopo qualche tempo. Ebbene quell’entusiasmo è rimasto, non è calato, e attesta la bravura di questi tedeschi nel creare qualcosa che non fa gridare al miracolo, ma affascina e sbalordisce con una personalità e profondità fuori dal comune. Siamo pur sempre dalle parti dello sludge atmosferico e sottilmente psichedelico che vede nei Cult of Luna i suoi paladini incontrastati e nei Neurosis i suoi maestri portanti, ma il tutto è diluito in soluzioni talmente emozionanti e psicologicamente pesanti da far dimenticare la derivazione di questa proposta che ormai da anni non brilla più di originalità.
Quattro brani, quattro mastodonti, brutali, con aperture quasi post rock, devastanti colate laviche di riff dissonanti, quattro brani che sono un’unico brano implacabile, capace di scavare a fondo nelle profondità dell’animo umano.
Non un capolavoro, certo, ma sicuramente un nuovo punto fermo nella storia di questo genere (post-metal? Atmospheric Sludge?) che seppur abbia già dispiegato a dovere tutte le sue carte da anni, non smette mai di sorprendere con band come questi Cranial che nelle emozioni negative si crogiolano per donarci queste meraviglie soniche.
Karpatia by Omega Massif was a punch in the face, an impenetrable and very dark mastodon that greatly reinvigorated the Neurosis/Isis/Cult of Luna formula with not indifferent personality peaks. Unfortunately, that glare did not last long, dissolving into a meteor that for a few years now has seen these Cranials as the point of rebirth, thanks to the presence in the ranks of the former Massif Michael Melchers.
This Alternate Endings is the second delivery of the project, which follows the already promising debut "Dark Towers / Bright Lights" of a few years ago.
I took some time to write this review, because I did not want to end up with the enthusiasm from the first few listenings, weaving praises and then seeing the attention drop drastically after some time. Well that enthusiasm has remained, has not diminished, and attests to the skill of these Germans in creating something that does nothing miracolous, but fascinates and amazes with an unusual personality and depth. We are still from the parts of the atmospheric and subtly psychedelic sludge that sees in the Cult of Luna its undisputed paladins and in the Neurosis its main masters, but everything is diluted in solutions so exciting and psychologically heavy as to make us forget the derivation of this proposal that for years now it has not shone with originality.
Four tracks, four mastodonts, brutal, with almost post-rock openings, devastating lava flows of dissonant riffs, four tracks that are a single relentless track, capable of digging deep into the depths of the human soul.
Not a masterpiece, of course, but certainly a new staple in the history of this genre (post-metal? Atmospheric Sludge?) that although it has already properly deployed all its cards for years, never ceases to surprise with bands like these Cranial that bask in negative emotions to give us these sonic wonders.
Karpatia by Omega Massif was a punch in the face, an impenetrable and very dark mastodon that greatly reinvigorated the Neurosis/Isis/Cult of Luna formula with not indifferent personality peaks. Unfortunately, that glare did not last long, dissolving into a meteor that for a few years now has seen these Cranials as the point of rebirth, thanks to the presence in the ranks of the former Massif Michael Melchers.
This Alternate Endings is the second delivery of the project, which follows the already promising debut "Dark Towers / Bright Lights" of a few years ago.
I took some time to write this review, because I did not want to end up with the enthusiasm from the first few listenings, weaving praises and then seeing the attention drop drastically after some time. Well that enthusiasm has remained, has not diminished, and attests to the skill of these Germans in creating something that does nothing miracolous, but fascinates and amazes with an unusual personality and depth. We are still from the parts of the atmospheric and subtly psychedelic sludge that sees in the Cult of Luna its undisputed paladins and in the Neurosis its main masters, but everything is diluted in solutions so exciting and psychologically heavy as to make us forget the derivation of this proposal that for years now it has not shone with originality.
Four tracks, four mastodonts, brutal, with almost post-rock openings, devastating lava flows of dissonant riffs, four tracks that are a single relentless track, capable of digging deep into the depths of the human soul.
Not a masterpiece, of course, but certainly a new staple in the history of this genre (post-metal? Atmospheric Sludge?) that although it has already properly deployed all its cards for years, never ceases to surprise with bands like these Cranial that bask in negative emotions to give us these sonic wonders.
- Faint Voice
- Unceasing Lack
- Burning Bridges
- Holistic Figure