Con un triste comunicato sulla propria pagina Facebook, i Graveyard hanno annunciato di aver cessato la loro attività come band. Riportiamo qui di seguito le loro parole:
Dark clouds above the graveyard today.
Due to the all so
classic reason "differences within the band" the Graveyard is as of
today officially closed. This is the unfortunate final decision we've
had to make after going through a period of struggling n juggling with
personal issues. Things have gone out of hand and now our energy is very
low. As a direct result of this we're sorry to say that all scheduled
touring is cancelled.
Graveyard have always been more about the music
than the talking and that approach is the way we intend to deal with
this situation also. What we can say is that we don't know if and when
the Graveyard will re-open and return in full force.
Stay tuned, stay awesome & No endless night in sight.
Joakim, Axel, Truls, Jonatan
Nonostante un ultimo album decisamente poco ispirato (qui la nostra recensione), la notizia ci ha un po' rattristato. RIP Graveyard (2006-2016)
Joakim, Axel, Truls, Jonatan
Nonostante un ultimo album decisamente poco ispirato (qui la nostra recensione), la notizia ci ha un po' rattristato. RIP Graveyard (2006-2016)